środa, 18 lipca 2018



With its 20,000 square kilometers and around 2 million inhabitants, Slovenia is just as big as Rhineland-Palatinate. About 84% of the population are Slovenians, the rest are immigrants from other regions of former Yugoslavia as well as Italian and Hungarian minorities. The capital is Ljubljana (320,000 inhabitants). Slovenia is also a parliamentary democracy nowadays. The president of the state is Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (since 2015), head of government - Miro Cerar (since 2014). After the declaration of independence in 1991, the country managed to quite quickly establish relations with the old Western European markets as well as find new ones.


In many places on the Istrian Peninsula and in the Kvarner Bay, mainly on the coast, a part of the population comes from Italy. Italians enjoy the right to their own culture in Croatia and Slovenia, Italian-language schools and bilingual plates with names of places and streets. Nowadays people live together in peace, but for a long time it was differently. After Istria and a part of the Kvarner region came to Italy after 1918, and the repression of the Slavic population under the rule of the Italian fascists increased significantly, the Croatians and Slovenes lost their homeland. After 1945, a communist government was erected. Tens of thousands of Italians left Yugoslavia for their country of origin. (...)

(Tłum. A. Trela, 2017)
(Tekst wyjściowy po polsku sporządzony na podstawie kilku przewodników po Chorwacji i Słowenii.)

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